About Me

Thursday, November 5, 2009


STEP 1: Iraq
STEP 2: Prewriting

-I am interested in doing a research on Iraq because our U.S troops are over there fighting and getting killed, we are at war and I would like to discuss more about this issue.

- What still strikes me is why we went to war in the first place.

- The U.S. is an imperial power, because we have invated Iraq without them even wanting us there in the first place and now we can't leave just yet because we destroyed everything and we must reconstruct.

- I don't know if I will ever get to the bottom of what I really want to know because I dont believe what this country says and much less what polics have to say...

1 comment:

  1. Good start. As you know, you'll find a ton of information out there about the Iraq war, so you want to think about how to focus your research. I like the idea about focusing on the reasons for war and how they might fit into the imperial idea. What different views about this have we seen in class readings?
